Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune and inflammatory disease affecting multiorgans of human body.\nIndependent studies show that SLE patients had higher caries prevalence compared to non-SLE individuals. However, the\nunderlying mechanisms remain unclear. In present study, we enrolled SLE patients to explore potential factors contributing to\nthe susceptibility of SLE patients to dental caries (such as oral hygiene, salivary function, and oral microbial community). Dental\nexamination confirmed SLE patients were more vulnerable to caries. Although subjects in both groups announced similar oral\nhygiene habits, more dental plaque was found on tooth surfaces of SLE patents as revealed by plaque index. In addition, the salivary\nfunction was impaired in SLE group as salivary flow rate, buffering capacity, and pH were lower among SLE subjects compared\nto healthy controls. Importantly, disturbed microbial community with lower richness and diversity was observed in SLE group, as\nwell as disequilibrium between acidogenic/aciduric pathogens and alkali-generating commensal bacteria. Our data suggest that\nSLE increases patients� sensitivity to dental caries through imposing stress to both host and oral microbes.